Mobile Arena offers you 6 or 1 year warranty on most repairs depending on the issue and the quality of the part along with a refund. Here is how you can claim your refund for the repair with us:

1. We provide a 6 months warranty with a refund on every screen replacement under the following conditions –

2. If the screen replaced by us causes any above-mentioned issues, you can claim a brand new screen with the continued warranty of 6 months / 1 year warranty or get a refund of your screen within 7 days of service date by returning our screen back. All you need to do is:

Warranty & Refund is limited to the parts and/or service(s) that were paid for. If only parts were purchased, warranty & refund is limited to the replacement of the parts. If parts and repair service were purchased, warranty extends to cover the labor cost of part replacement and any other repairs specifically resulting from the initial repair.